Free SMS Texts

Free SMS Texts


The SMS concept was developed in the Franco-German GSM cooperation in 1984 by Friedhelm Hillebrand and Bernard Ghillebaert. Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service component of phone, web, or mobile communication systems.

SMS text messaging is the most widely used data application in the world, with over 3.7 billion active users or 74% of all mobile phone subscribers. The term SMS is used as a synonym for all types of short text messaging as well as the user activity itself in many parts of the world. SMS is also being used as a form of direct marketing known as SMS marketing.

Here we give some funny and interesting SMS.

Apple = Vitamins
Vitamins = Power
Pwer = Work
Work = Money
Money = GF
GF = Tension
Tension = Heart Attack
Heart Attack = Death
See what all prblms an apple can make xP=P.

Want to be 1st in your class..??
Here are some TIPS :
>Wake up everyday at 5 am.... :O
>Drink Tea or Coffe....:O
>Go to your class at 6 am.... :O

Nobody will be there in your class..!! ;)
So, You are 1st in class..!! :P
Think Different !!

Nothing in nature is 4 itself
Rivers don't drink their own water
Trees don't eat their own fruit
Sun doesn't give heat 4
Flower don't spread fragrance 4 themselves
Living 4 others is the way of life...!
Have A Blessed Day

Never say u r happy when u r sad.
Never say u r fine when u r not ok.
Never say u feel good when u feel bad,
Never say u r alone when i m still alive.
Good luck and best wishes for ever.

Fresh air? fresh idea?
fresh talent? fresh energy?
i wish u to have a?
special sunday..
marvellous monday?
tasty tuesday?
wonderful wednesday?
thankful thursday?
friendly friday?
successful saturday?
have a great week ahead.

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